Can we deter athletes who self-harm to win?
The Paralympics may encourage a debate on a dangerous practice - and potential ways to prevent it
Arctic melt, smash and grab ahead
Humanity's rapacious reaction to the Arctic ice minimum is depressingly predictable
Arctic ice low heralds end of 3-million-year cover
The consequences of what is arguably the greatest environmental change in human history will extend far beyond the North Pole
Astrophile: Two planets with two suns up odds for life
The first system with two planets circling binary stars includes a world in the habitable zone, which may host a liveable moon like Endor in Star Wars
Encourage everyday exercise, not sporting elites
The Olympics are all very well, but it takes more than publicity to get spectators out of their seats
Turing machine gives order to chaotic Penrose universe
A theoretical computer has booted up for the first time in a constantly shifting mathematical playing field based on Penrose tiles
How cool water eased hurricane Isaac's rage
Hurricane Isaac made landfall in Louisiana last night but a period spent over cooler water means it will not match the violence of Katrina seven years ago
Familiar music could help people with brain damage
Listening to a favourite song might boost the brain's ability to respond to other stimuli in people with disorders of consciousness
A year on the ISS: Good for tourists - and science
A proposal to double the lengths of astronauts' tours on the ISS would make space tourism possible again - and answer questions about health in space
Mental health the winner after Breivik 'sane' ruling
Norwegian mass killer Anders Breivik was declared sane last week. The verdict is good news for the fight against misconceptions of mental health
Consciousness as the key to our mental traits
In The Ravenous Brain Daniel Bor explores consciousness and suggests that its level of activity is linked to several psychiatric conditions
Visual programming means anyone can be a coder
Coding by tweaking on-screen shapes and drawings could revolutionise computer programming, making it accessible to all
Can cold fusion research survive pioneer's death?
Martin Fleischmann kick-started cold fusion controversy and faced decades of hostility. His colleague Michael McKubre ponders the future of the field
The workout pill: Why exercise is the best medicine
From dementia and diabetes to high blood pressure - no pill protects us against ill health like exercise does, as Andy Coghlan discovers
Apple's victory opens gestures up to the patent wars
Brace yourself: Apple's big win is merely the opening shot in the battle for domination of gestural computing

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