Monday, November 28, 2011

No sitting on Santa's lap at British schools

By staff

Parents who volunteer to play Santa at British schools may not be allowed?to let little tykes climb on their laps to tell them what they want for Christmas, the Telegraph of London reports.

The issue arose because any?parent volunteering as Father Christmas, Santa's?United Kingdon name, no longer has to pass a Criminal Records Bureau check, which is reserved for a volunteer regularly around children, the Telegraph said.

However, some schools are taking no chances with bad behavior.

A government guideline, as reported by the Telegraph, says, "Under no circumstances must a volunteer who has not obtained a CRB disclosure ? be left unsupervised with children."

Many?teachers decided then to impose a ban on all physical contact, Russell Hobby, the general secretary of the National Association of Head Teachers, told the Telegraph.

"The climate we work in, and the risks of getting it wrong, mean many school leaders err on the side of caution," he said. "And if you are going to 'err'?I think that?s the side most parents would prefer.?

A?Department of Education spokesman said children could sit on Santas' knees if parents were consulted and were "completely comfortable" with the situations, the Telegraph said.

Santa should be treated the same as any other visitor, the spokesman told the Telegraph. A staff member should be present.

Christine Blower of the National Union of Teachers said she hoped the regulations wouldn't deter schools from holding traditional celebrations.


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