Monday, September 3, 2012

Blogging & Benefits | Love Home Grow Garden

There are probably more than one million bloggers around the world. They all come from different walks of life. Some bloggers are staying and working from their homes, some are a combination of both working outside and inside their homes. Each blogger have varied reasons on why they blog. Some blog because their blog is their emotional outlet ? never minding if someone reads it or not and most of this kind of blog are ?secret blogs?. Some blog just for fun and others blog because it?s their means of income where they love to earn and it can add as an additional income for their family. You can do pretty much into blogging as long as you won?t hurt anybody or attack a company. Create a blog and you will gain friends and increase your social life because you will get to participate events and know people you met online for real. No matter what your reasons in blogging are, there is one thing that you will enjoy, be passionate and love what you are blogging!

How many blogs do you have? One, two, three, ten or more? I won?t mention how much I have or else you will gave me that big round eye look with crooked eyebrows. Yeah, I blog in more than 1 blog and that is the surest thing. You may wonder why blog more? Well, there is what you call niche blogging. Niche blogging means, a blog contain posts about one idea or topic. It may be parenting, photography, travel, hobbies, techy, healthy, lifestyle, and medicine just like the Solstice medicine blog. If you go around the blogosphere, you can find endless niches of blogging. It?s a nice thing to go over many blogs and read some. It?s quite interesting but time is really needed to enjoy blog hopping.

Related posts:

  1. My blogs are settling down
  2. A few technical difficulties
  3. Hello world!
  4. Search the right web hosting
  5. My New Blog Button


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